From Old to Bold: A Journey Through One Year of Rebranding

The journey from A Traveller’s Wish List to Queen of Treasures was a planned move in alignment with my personal transformation. Join me as I take you through the journey of self-discovery, growth, and evolution that led to this momentous decision.

Rebranding provides a fresh start and serves as a catalyst for growth and innovation. All change entails taking a leap of faith. Old is comfortable, but new is rejuvenation. My blog is nourishment for my spirit, enrichment for the mind, and pleasure for the heart. I hope, the new avatar will be the same for all those who read and follow it.

Why I felt the need to make the change

My journey into blogging was a stroke of time. When I started blogging, I was a confused spirit, unsure of the path I was walking on. As a magazine journalist, I have been the jack of all trades and master of none! The visual appeal, the long-form in-depth articles and multiple aspects are the mainstay of magazines. The web is different with its clutter of choice, ranging from few words to few paragraphs, the layouts are vertical and there is coding.

With compact teams, you do end up multi-tasking in magazines. I have been involved in reporting, editing, design and production, rebranding, redesigning. So, you will pardon me when I say that the blog was a confusing entity for me. Until, I figured out that it needed the same creativity and I went hands-on to learn photography, videography and grappled my way with technical stuff such as SEO, algorithm, SERP, meta tags and descriptions.

You will probably say that it would have been simpler to take a formal crash course to learn all about the digital world, but you see I never planned to leave the print media. It just didn’t take the route that I was trying to steer it in, and I moved at a snail’s pace with the blog. It has taken years to understand digital means selfies, videos, reels and carousel posts, learning new terms and creating more content with bullet points.

To cut a long story short, it’s been 10 years of observation, reading, and evolving. Change is the only constant and time is always in motion.

Why I was unhappy with my previous blog, A Traveller’s Wish List

I did not want it to be a site that did just food reviews (which I thought didn’t interest the readers, as stats didn’t rise) or cover products randomly.

My travel stories did not have the punch, probably weren’t useful for the readers. I needed perspective on what I was writing and why people would want to read those stories.

I didn’t like my writing style, which was in absolute contrast to what I was writing for print media.

I didn’t think I was touching upon the subjects and verticals I would like to talk about in-depth.

I didn’t like the design and was lost on technical aspects.

There didn’t seem to be anything cerebral or cultural or my personal interests standing out.

It didn’t match the strength of my 25 years of journalism experience. I have done cover-to-cover projects, travelled the length and breadth of the country for those, even clicked pictures at times, and worked with designers before sending the book/magazine for production.

Simply put, the blog lacked a strong identity, diversity, inclusivity, punch, creativity and expertise. My inner critic got into action during the COVID-19 lockdown. Stillness and introspection are the key aspects for all change to manifest.

The beginning of change

With the Internet storm, we were blown away. From intellectual pursuits to individual traits, globalisation changed professional know-hows, especially in media. The individual voice has gained momentum, organisational voices are in the background. I was more than my published articles and editorial pursuits. That needed to come out.

An idle mind is a devil’s workshop, so I put it to use and began to plan a master strategy that would help me establish a strong identity and highlight my strengths—writing, visual appeal, solid information, and easy readability. A SWOT analysis helped me gain clarity.

I told myself that age is a number that Google doesn’t pop on my screen; it doesn’t care, it only likes algorithm and consistency. I could do it, and I spent four hours daily learning via YouTube and reading technology blogs. I finally began to understand SEO, SERP, and algorithm.

I put my old brain to use and built new neurons and bridges. I killed over 1,000 posts and turned the rest into readable listicles. This took me all of 2020. But my writing is more than listicles, it’s an inner journey, my identity.

In 2021, I was ready to share all my interests and learnings and turn the blog into a mini-magazine with a variety that would be useful for anyone who found me on the web. Well, variety is the spice of life.

I thought until I got tired of thinking, then plunged into change with renaming, rebranding and launching on October 19, 2022.

Crafting the New Identity

With a clear vision, I focused on developing a brand that reflected my expertise with an ability to create lasting memories and appeal to readers of all ages and at all stages of life.

Building a Cohesive Brand

The rebranded blog serves as a platform for exploring new ideas, experimenting with different formats, and continuously evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of my readers.

The new name: Queen of Treasures


Our planet Earth is our Queen Mother with a bounty that keeps regenerating. It is abundant, nourishing, cherishing.

The new name was integrated into every aspect of the blog, including the logo, colour scheme, typography, and overall design.  

Rani Pink is the colour of joy and prosperity; the flowers signify the ability to regenerate as they contain seeds; our time is all about happiness, light and beauty that is within this circle of life on the planet.


Two magazines that stand for quality and evergreen content: Reader’s Digest and Time.

Both are over a 100-years-old and have appealed to generations of readers, thanks to their evergreen content. Time has the most fantastic covers.

Vision for Queen of Treasures

To bring stories that are a powerhouse of information and resources, adding value to the readers’ lives.

Mission for Queen of Treasures

To see the world without prejudice, spread my wings to take the readers to new places, introduce them to new cultures, open minds and hearts by sharing my learnings.

Main Categories/Brand Equity

My focus is sustainability, that is long-term impact, which is why I keep a moderate pace to generate high quality content.


Travel: Slow, mindful travel for absorbing experiences, soaking in the culture, meeting the natives, enjoying local dishes, preparing guides and itineraries, giving recommendations after personal experiences, and letting the serotonin flow.

Lifestyle: Promoting sustainable and planet-friendly living. Talking about food and drinks that are good for health, wearing clothing that lasts longer yet is stylish and chic, owning accessories that generate livelihood and are planet-friendly, wellness therapies that promote well-being, reading that generates knowledge, watching programmes that make the spirit happier, and resetting the brain for dopamine release.

Life Lessons: Lessons learned, accepting emotions that cause upheaval, sharing knowledge learned from guides and mentors, and walking the path of holistic well-being.

Environment: Taking care of the biodiversity that thrives on the planet and talking about critical issues related to climate change and other nature-related features.

Fiction: Stories are like dreams; they never have an end and they never have a beginning. The more you tap into them, the more dreams you find and the more you weave. Crafting stories keeps the dream alive, which is why reading, writing, and connecting are the doorways for the dream weavers.

Hopefully, I will be as dynamic as the universe, introducing more friendly podcasts, immersive videos and stunning photography.  

I look forward to your support. I hope you will remain with me on this journey of discovering new treasures and subscribe to stay connected.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan.

33 thoughts on “From Old to Bold: A Journey Through One Year of Rebranding

  1. I love this post! it speaks to me on so many levels. It’s sort of inspiring to see your vision so well articulated. I’m definitely thinking of ways to elevate my own writing and blog and what I want it to be. So this was a helpful template on how to go about that. I do find your blog really stunning. Especially in-depth info about places, the pictures and all the therapeutic things you experienced yourself. There is a lot of positivity here so I’ll say your vision is working!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You Careena. It’s really.nice to know that you read the entire piece and also found the changed blog useful. I amnhappy that I made the shift and I hope you also are able to make the shift in the way you would like to. All the 👌 best.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wishing you all the best for greater success, Ambica.Age is all in the mind my dear. I started my career at 40. Started writing a weekly column for The Hindu Metro Plus at 40. Never written anything before that. I started my blog when I was 48 and I am self taught. SEO seemed like taare zameen par but I manage somehow. I was writing on WordPress and shifted to my domain only in 2018.


  3. Wow Ambika, your journey is really inspiring! Loved to know and felt connected how you used your strengths, learned tech stuff, and transformed your blog. From articles to listicles, and now a mini-magazine – that’s impressive! Your story shows age doesn’t matter in the digital world.j

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is really inspiring. Especially for me who doesn’t give enough time for what I like to do and always just thinks of a change but cannot execute. You really have ignited the spark in me to work towards it. Love how you transformed your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Age is number Ambica. Wishing you good luck and more success. I have been through a self learnt process. I still do not have any success but yes I love writing. I Your post is sort of inspiration to us. We have to learn always.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Just today, I was thinking that my blog looks boring and needs a new look. I also need to read up on SEO and learn photography, videography to make the page look interesting and content useful. And now, your post motivates me to do just that. Is the universe listening to me? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I remember once I told you that your choice of books match mine and now after reading this line in this post “turn the blog into a mini-magazine with a variety that would be useful for anyone who found me on the web.” I will say your line of thoughtprocess for your blog matches mine as I love variety in my blog and that was how Indiacafe24 was born. Yes, i know that book review is my expertise but not the only niche of my blog. People love not just books but many other things and so rather than restricting my blog which I started my journey with book reviews only I went for a new launch with multiple topics I am having interest and can share Info’s which people will love to read and learn about my style of work in creative world. Variety is very important and this is where many bloggers with differ with me. I am glad that you matched my vibes. Love you.


    1. Yes, all of us love to know many things about life, therefore keeping our vision towards what pleases us is a great way to expand our horizon and also share more useful stuff for people to read.


  8. I could truly resonate with you! As a blogger who’s been committed to do one thing then after so long feels like wanting to do another, it felt like a trap and guilt at the same time wanting for a change. I’m so glad you’ve pushed through and now much happier. I guess that’s the main goal at the end of the day, to be happy at what we do.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I think I know you since ages, and I know how hardworking yet focused you are. I just loved this inspiring post, and it is great to see that you are taking steps to achieve your goal. Much power to you, and I wish you all the luck.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Congratulations on the thoughtful rebranding! Your personal journey and dedication shine through. The clear vision for Queen of Treasures, embracing sustainability, and diverse content is exciting. Best wishes on your continued success!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I loved reading your post. Your blog has so many topics and I love the way you write. There is no age to start something new or make a change. I started blogging at 73. I wish you all the success. God bless you.


  12. I have been catching your updates on the Insta stories. Congratulations on the successful rebranding. It is a leap of faith and you have aced it. I love the range of topics on your blog. It is always such an enriching experience.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Good job on the rebranding… The transition couldn’t have been an easy one but you clearly worked hard. One problem I’ve found since I forayed into independent features journalism is sifting what to write about on my blog and what to pitch as an article idea to a publication that will pay me to write. It’s still a learning curve!

    Liked by 1 person

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