Sabbatical Sanctuary: A Love Letter to My Restless Soul

Empty yourself of everything.
Let the mind become still.
The ten thousand things rise and fall
while the Self watches their return.
They grow and flourish and then
return to the source.
Returning to the source is stillness,
which is the way of nature…
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

The stiller my heart, the more I hear you. This sabbatical from everything and everyone known has been a peaceful period. I cherish you for the abundance you shower me with, all that is elusive in the humdrum of human life.

With your tender, loving care, the year gone by turned out to be all that I had dreamt of. As you held my hand, I cleared up the broken pieces, for only where there is nothing, can something be cultivated.

I rediscovered myself, my creative pursuits and writing about all the things that mattered, made me feel worthy of being human. I made an attempt to find order in chaos.

I went out less, wrote more, reformed more and was gentler with myself. I allowed myself to sleep well, eat healthier, say goodbye to toxic situations and people. I mapped my learnings, strengths and weaknesses. I chose change over stagnancy. I reinvented myself a thousand times over.

Anchored in your divine presence, I once again turned to make my life the bed of roses that I had promised my younger self. I am trying hard to like my greys though, along with the tiny wrinkles and muscle loss.

The long, solitary walks in the biodiversity park were the most rejuvenating hours. My outer silence helped me pause, absorb and revel in the natural world. I marvelled at the colours of Nature, the vibrancy and the ability to go on come what may. However, slow the pace, the dynamic nature of the universe is an inspiration to keep evolving.

I watched the sparrows search for food, parrots take flight, kites soar high, peacocks dance in the rain, butterflies flutter, chameleons scuttle and a lone nilgai run with her baby.

I peered into the shrubs to see the sunbirds hopping, hoopoes pecking, egrets bathing, lapwings shrieking alarm calls. I heard the cuckoo sing, babblers’ gossip, doves coo, crows caw. I saw the mynas strutting, bulbuls cocking their heads. I walked past bees clinging to the plants and stray dogs playing with their friends. I observed the bright kingfisher and fork-tailed drongo sitting on high alert on their lookout posts–a lone branch from where they got a bird’s eye view.

I encountered a solitary rabbit, nibbling away at the grass and the brave squirrels running up and down the trees. I inhaled the fragrance of madhumalti, gently caressed the jasmine and collected the golden flowers of amaltas. I smelt the green fragrance of nourishing earth.

I chased the clouds, tripped over branches and collected feathers. I filled my lungs with ether. I watched the sunsets, romancing couples and families bonding over reels. The world kept moving and I no longer had FOMO or even felt competitive. ‘I was enough’.

Noddy books by Enid Blyton

I cleaned up my brain’s cobwebs with friendly reading challenges, blog hops, blog marathons and Instagram contests without a pressure to perform. I discovered a flock that enjoyed reading, sharing, blogging communities that are civil, fair and non-judgemental. I liked the decorum that governed e-conversations.

Blogchatter, Bloggers’ Forum, Blogaberry Dazzle Challenge, Emotional Wellness Group, IDPD Blog Hop, Bookish League, The Year & You, Speak Easy and Storytellers Blog Hop, all sprinkled their starry dust to the sabbatical year. Their admins and community, a joy to e-interact with. I have not met even one of them in person, but their down-to-earth attitude added a calming touch to the 365 days gone by. Some are now social media friends. Yes, it’s possible to build civil communities virtually.

There were many milestone moments that added heavy doses of dopamine and serotonin to my life.

  • Blogbanner for Blogchatter moments, #causeAChatter
  • Blogchatter moments banners
  • Blogbannerfor Blogchatter moment, #TBR Challenge
  • Blogchatter moments banners
  • Blogchatter moments banners
  • bLOG CHATTER SPECIAL GIFT moments banners

Many of my posts were given the ‘Top Blog’ badge by Blogchatter. The community even featured the reading challenges post in their TBR Digest.

Water for All, All for Water, an arts festival by Viva con Agua in Delhi, India

‘Cause A Chatter’ with Blogchatter was a motivating factor to continue voicing my beliefs. I wrote more about environment, conservation and the need to recover our planetary balance. I focussed on many aspects of wellness, healing, mental health and then got the Cause A Chatter Trailblazer 2023 sticker. Blogchatter has given many sweet memories, a lot to ponder upon.

The blog hops with other blogging communities were also full of high moments. Among the many appreciative comments on the posts, memorable ones were by Samata Dey Bose and Kaveri Chhetri.

When I was declared the winner of Blogaberry Dazzle Season 1 in May 2023 (organised by Cindy Ann D’ Silva and Noor Anand Chawla, sponsored by mother-daughter duo-Madhu Bindra and Ritu Bindra), I tingled with unconditional joy, something I had not experienced in a long while.

  • Blog hop moments banners
  • Blog hop moments banners
  • Blog hop moments banners
  • Blog hop moments banners
  • Blog hop moments banners

More recently, Cindy gifted me her e-book, Aavshishka, that is listed on Kindle Unlimited. This little gift was an appreciation for my post on bells in the monthly Blogaberry Creative Challenge.

The Wellness & Mindfulness Award given by Rakhi Jayashankar for the Wellness Hour Blog Hop proved to be a gamechanger for me. For over a month, she diligently sent me a daily message on wellness and mindfulness that accelerated my inner healing.

My comments on the Emotional Intelligence Blog Hop were appreciated by the community members. I am now cherishing my reward of 21 Days Gratitude Program by Rakhi.

Winning books in the giveaways by Blogchatter and All Good Scents was an added balm to a soul coming out of a long dark tunnel.

Books and blogging helped me recover from a long-neglected knowledge base. I felt the adrenaline rush when Queen of Treasures’ post on Madam Commissioner was featured on the Linkedin page of Pan Macmillan India, Best Publisher of 2023 (Tata Literature award).  

Appreciation and mention moments banners

I managed to go over the top with my reading—over 50 books! A lot of that credit goes to the ‘Book Review’ programme by Blogchatter. Their reward points are an added and addictive incentive for the blogging community.

I gave into my deepest desire of writing fiction, and began with baby steps, kiddish short stories on the blog.  Well, I have always been inspired by Enid Blyton’s larger than life characters and the way she brought the natural world alive, giving her books an eternal feel.

Last 28 days stats for Queen of Treasures from Google Search Console

Added to this, Google Search was kind to us. The search factor rose from a mere 3,000 impressions to 70,000 impressions per month, this was something I would only hear of in forums in my decade-long blogging journey. This is my 100th post this year!

It didn’t end here; there was a podcast session with Blogchatter on the JCB Long List. That cut through my hesitation barrier of starting my podcast in my voice. I deleted the AI-generated podcasts and began work on a new account with a fresh perspective. 

Another thing off my bucket list, was the mega Ganesh Chaturthi festival. I witnessed the grand celebration in the city of its origins, Pune, thanks to the reference given by journalist colleague, Suman Tarafdar. Non-religious me also went pandal hopping with him in Chittranjan Park during Durga Puja and this is after living for 54 years in Delhi, the city where I was born. 

I know you were smiling at me as I ate lunch with Sarita Rana, my oldest friend, under the greyish sky of the beautiful Sunder Nursery. A simple lunch of matar kulcha which ended with vegan soya milk ice cream as dessert, was perhaps the best picnic I had in many decades. And to think, it took two years of planning to reach the heavenly garden which is an hour’s drive from our homes!

The brain built new pathways with masterclasses on personal branding by Ganesh Vancheeswaran, tarot by Mehakleen and screen writing with LevelUp Learning-Filmmaking.

I put the mind into action by watching over 35 thriller series and movies. Mysteries, crime and suspense help build neurons that can solve complex problems, so this was reason enough to watch Tom Cruise-starrer ‘Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1‘ on the first day. I have had the tiniest crush on him since Top Gun days, and his movies are sacrosanct, along with the two parts of James Cameron’s Avatar.

I added some new feathers to my hat. I dared to step out of the editor’s box to become a contributor on iStock images and have sold some images.

Ambica Gulati quoted in a story in Asian Age, for the Koffee With Karan show

A fitting end was the bold quote in the Asian Age, courtesy Noor Anand Chawla, on Karan Johar’s famous show, Koffee with Karan.  Who would have thought, ‘Not A Bollywood Junkie’ like me would find space with cine stars!

Did I mention the surprise gift by Blogchatter that landed on my front door on Christmas? Along with a delightful ink pen and diary, it brought a smile to my face.

  • Sambar at Amangarh Tiger Reserve, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Endangered Indian Skimmer, photo courtesy: Jasminder Singh Waraich, taken at Ganga Barrage, Haiderpur Wetland, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Cormorants at Ganga Barrage, Bijnor, UttarPradesh, India

Added to this was the birding and wildlife trip to the pristine wetlands and forests of Bijnor. It is the habitat of the endangered river bird, Skimmer, and also home to 32 tigers. I plan to go on a longer visit, as it is just 4 hours drive from Noida.

My beloved spirit, this year you filled my path with surprises. You brought me back to my dreaming state, where all is well. You made Queen of Treasures my sanctuary, sparkling and healing at the same time, scintillating with all that is gentle in Nature.

As you and I explore the planet in the coming decades, I know that you will keep reminding me that ‘I am enough’. I know that we are walking hand-in-hand into a glittery future, where there are meadows with soft dewy grass, dancing flowers, chirping birds, rising suns, flighty clouds.  

I am grateful that you embrace this body and mind, and we align with our ethereal source. I thank you for turning my solitude into solace.

This post is part of Blogchatter Blog Hop.

This post is part of The Year & You Blog Hop hosted by Swarnali Nath.

Blog banner for for The Year & You blog hop

47 thoughts on “Sabbatical Sanctuary: A Love Letter to My Restless Soul

  1. What a power-packed year you’ve had, Ambica! Congratulations on your milestones, it is amazing how much one can get done when you slow down and give time to yourself. I think, to be able to reach a point where you can tell yourself ‘I am enough’ is a wonderful achievement in itself. Wishing you a beautiful and peaceful year ahead as well ❤️.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My favourite takeaway from reading your post was deciding your own pace. I think I’m in severe need of not running after things that don’t matter. I loved the nature images you have shared – it adds that grounding quality to your reflections.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Ambica! It was a very intense piece of self-esteem. I believe when you realize who you are, you slowly surrender yourself to the universe and you become more a child of Mother Earth. And then, everything else falls into the tapestry of the mundaneness but you become a part of the nature, and you are enough for your everything. So happy to read about everything you wrote here about your visits to the parks and sanctuaries and wetlands, your growing bond with nature, your healing journey, your blog hop experiences, your giveaway winnings and everything you have experienced that enriched your soul. Thanks for joining us in the celebration, your glorious presence makes this blogging event a great feat of love and light. Gratitude. Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2024.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ambica, I congratulate you on your year-round success and feel so inspired by your journey Ambica. I also understand that it means breaking away from complacency and hard work on yourself. That inner peace is something I too feel settling in gradually. It was a nice round-up of your blogging journey too and you gave due credit to so many fellow bloggers, this is a very positive trend set by you. Best wishes for 2024


  5. Loved to see your progress Ambica, as you waded through the year 2023! I must say, one has to leave her comfort zone to get things done. And, your achievements pitch on a higher note. I wish you the best for your future endeavors:)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey Ambica, lovely to find you living to the fullest. It’s such a good feeling to let it all go and be in the moment where you don’t compete with anyone but just love being yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a beautiful, heartfelt and gratifying read this letter was. You’ve motivated me to sit down and appreciate my spirit as well. How much we take ourselves for granted, right? Reading about your epiphanies and your achievements in the year made me so good and proud; like I had a part to play in it all. That’s how heartfelt and personal you made this whole post. So kudos to you that as well.
    Two lines that stood out for me were, “Only where there is nothing can something be cultivated.” and, “However, slow the pace, the dynamic nature of the universe is an inspiration to keep evolving.”
    Thank you for sharing this with us, the world, and everyone who will read this and takeaway something worth learning
    Wishing you a wonderful, and even better, 2024.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Such an eventful year it has been for you, Ambica!
    So many achievements!
    You have even mentioned our nature friends- the sunbirds, rabbit etc.
    Great blissful well-expressed love letter for your soul.
    Keep up your creative pursuits in 2024 too.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Dear Friend Ambica,
    I am mesmerized reading your Saga of journey 2023. Will not deny the fact I am at cloud nine when I read my name in this post. Thank you dear I am overwhelmed with your recognition and I mean it from the bottom of my heart ❤.

    The journey you had in 2023 was so beautiful in every sense. Ambica I am proud of you and the achievements you added in your kitty.

    Life is beautiful and all that is important is gratitude for all that we are gifted by this universe.

    Ambica you are a beautiful soul who knows how to appreciate others and equally keep doing good work in multiple segments which impress others.

    Someday somewhere I will love to meet you in person and give you a tight hug 🫂 and appreciate your good wrk face to face.

    I wish and I pray that 2024 give you more opportunities and success in life.

    My gratitude to you for being a wonderful blogger pal from the industry for me.

    Love you 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Wow those are a lot of challenges to take part in. Awesome! Glad to be a good part of your 2023. Thanks for your kind words. And all the best for your 2024 and may you have many more achievements in store.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Ambica, you’ve had such an incredible year! Congratulations on reaching those milestones. When I sat down to write about my own journey, I was completely lost, especially after two super busy months. Reading your post, I could suddenly remember all the things I did, participated in and even won. Inspired by your approach, I’ve decided to document my experiences and lessons every month this year. Thanks for the motivation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wonderful. In fact, I was so taken in with writing a letter after decades that I have gone on and on. But it made me realise how we were so open to our emotions when postal letters were around. And it was such a cathartic experience. I hope you enjoy your letters to yourself.


  12. Wow! What a fulfilling year, Ambica. Congratulations! My goal in 2023 was also to write more and read more and hence I participated in several blog hops. I see you have also been part of some interesting ones too. Do let me know such options. I would very much love to be part of them. Good luck for 2024, Ambica. May you shine brighter.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Such a beautiful read, Ambica. We all need to take a step back to refresh and recharge ourselves. What a fruitful and eventful year it has been for you. I will always be thankful to Cindy and Noor for introducing me to you through Blogaberry Dazzle. Your range of writing and the topics you write about are truly an inspiration. Wishing you all the best 2024 has to offer.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. What a power-packed year this has been for you, Ambika! ‘I am enough’ is such a powerful statement and it has transcended into action as you have been shining bright like a star with all colors and yes you have shown that solitude is powerful. Kudos to you and may this year too bring in more opportunities for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. My heartiest congratulations for all your esteemed achievements in the past year. I am glad that you have found your sabbatical joy in every tiny things around you or within, rather than chasing a rat race. I wish you all happiness in 2024.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Did you leave anything at all for the new year, Ambica? Blog accolades, awards, stickers, recognition, and most of all winning over FOMO and enjoying nature in its tiniest and most marvellous detail, you’ve managed to live life to the fullest in 2023. Our pace is the best pace and the things that give us joy are the only ones that matter. Congratulations and wish you a great year ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the objective viewpoint. I didn’t see it like that. But yes, yearning for the non-existent is fatal. We have to make the best of chaos! And a very Happy 2024 to you as well.


  17. Ambica, what an incredible year of achievements! Slowing down and prioritizing self-time has worked wonders for you. Reaching the point of self-acceptance is a remarkable feat. Here’s to a serene and beautiful year ahead filled with more success and joy!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I really liked reading your post Ambica. A sense of calm descended over me as I read about your sabbatical and my mind immediately yearned for it. I also want to thank you for participating in the IDPD blog hop. Finally my take away from your post is ‘I am enough’ – something one needs to keep reminding oneself.
    Wish you a great 2024.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Your heartfelt letter to your dear spirit is a captivating journey through a year of self-discovery, growth, and appreciation for the beauty of life. The poetic introduction from Lao Tzu sets a contemplative tone, guiding the reader into the stillness of the mind. Your writing is a testament to the transformative power of solitude and introspection.

    The vivid descriptions of your walks in the biodiversity park create a sensory experience for the reader. The flora and fauna come to life, painting a picture of the vibrant and dynamic nature that serves as both a mirror and inspiration for personal evolution. Your connection with the natural world is beautifully articulated, emphasizing the therapeutic effect of immersing oneself in the serenity of the surroundings.

    Your gratitude for the abundance bestowed upon you during this sabbatical shines through each paragraph. The milestones you’ve achieved in the blogging community are celebrated with genuine joy, and the recognition received is a testament to your dedication and passion. The integration of visuals, such as banners and book covers, adds a visually appealing element to your narrative.

    The personal touch in sharing your reading habits, fiction writing endeavors, and even stepping into the world of podcasting adds depth to your reflections. The inclusion of milestones, awards, and even the surprise Christmas gift creates a sense of accomplishment and joy that is infectious for the reader.

    Your commitment to wellness, both physical and mental, is admirable, and the inclusion of experiences like the wellness hour blog hop and the gratitude program further underscores the importance of self-care in your journey.

    The closing of your letter is a beautiful expression of gratitude and acceptance, embracing the future with the assurance that you are enough. The imagery of walking hand-in-hand into a glittery future paints a picture of hope and optimism.

    Your letter is a tapestry of emotions, experiences, and reflections. It’s a celebration of self-love, growth, and the profound connection between the inner self and the world around. Thank you for sharing your journey and allowing readers to resonate with the beauty of your experiences.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Embracing the wisdom of Tao Te Ching, your soulful journey through 2023 is truly inspiring, Ambica. The stillness you cultivated allowed for self-discovery, healing, and a profound connection with nature. Your milestones, from engaging interviews to literary recognitions and personal growth, shine out. May your path continue to be adorned with the beauty of simplicity, gratitude, and the gentle guidance of your dear spirit. Wishing you an enchanting exploration in the glittery future that awaits.


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