Coffee Country Chikmagalur and Beyond

Craving a drink that goes beyond the ordinary? Embark on a journey to Chikmagalur, India’s heartland of coffee perfection.

The journey from Mangalore to Chikmagalur was a winding, verdant ride through the hills. Despite the bumpy road, the crisp air, clear blue sky, and promise of rejuvenation kept my spirits high. Nestled in Karnataka, Chikmagalur, also known as the “coffee country” or “coffee cradle”, boasts over 15,000 coffee plantations.

Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano on

Legend has it that coffee arrived in Chikmagalur in 1670 AD with a Sufi saint named Baba Budan. On his pilgrimage to Mecca, Baba Budan discovered coffee in the Yemeni seaport of Mocha. He cleverly smuggled seven coffee beans back from Arabia, tucked in his beard and hollow cane, and planted them in the Chikmagalur hills. Seven is a sacred number in Islam. The rest, as they say, is history.

Flourishing coffee plantations and the prestigious Central Coffee Research Institute (CCRI) stand as testaments to this legacy. Established in 1925, the CCRI’s research initially focused on combating coffee leaf disease, later expanding to address a wider range of challenges faced by the industry.

The CCRI houses an impressive collection of exotic coffee plants from all over the world, including Ethiopia, the birthplace of Arabica coffee. Since coffee thrives in shade, Chikmagalur boasts a diverse range of shade trees growing alongside the coffee plants.

Coffee Museum, Chikmagalur
Coffee Museum, Chikmagalur

The coffee museum in Chikmagalur is an educational powerhouse and gives a bird’s eye view of the famous beverage. From pots and cups to plants and berries and the process coupled with a demo make this is a must-visit attraction, especially for coffee afficiandos. It has a fee and is open on weekdays.


Unlike the typical shops found in towns, Chikmagalur is dotted with numerous coffee-making units. One such establishment, Panduranga, introduced me to the famous South Indian filter coffee.

Owned by a family for over three generations, the owner walked me through the grinding process and then, with a smile, offered me a freshly brewed cup. I explained my coffee allergy and hesitancy to try their product. He insisted this particular coffee wouldn’t trigger my allergy, even offering to compensate me if it did. The secret, he explained, lies in the processing method. Freshly brewed filter coffee avoids the issues associated with pre-packaged powders, which was indeed the case!

Emboldened by this experience, I am now a filter coffee lover and I drink a lot more coffee than tea now.

Panduranga generously gifted me a special pack containing filter coffee (unique to South India), black pepper, and cardamom – all sourced directly from the plantations. The tightly sealed package preserved the aroma for months.

History of Chikmagalur

The beauty of any part of India lies in its rich history. Chikmagalur was once ruled by the Hoysala dynasty. Its name, which translates to “town of the younger daughter” in Kannada, reflects its past. Legend has it that the region was gifted as dowry to the younger daughter of Rukmangada, the chief of Sakrepatna. Interestingly, there’s also Hiremagalur, meaning “town of the elder daughter,” located about five kilometers away.

Scenic Chikmagalur

Part of the Western Ghats, Chikmagalur is blessed with the Tunga and Bhadra rivers flowing through it. These mountains offer exciting trekking opportunities, including Mullayanagiri, the highest peak in Karnataka, Kudremukh, and Baba Budan Giri Dattatreya Peetha. The region also boasts breathtaking waterfalls like Manikyadhara, Hebbe, and Kallathigiri.

Mullayangiri trek, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, India
Mullayangiri trek

With limited time, we could only choose one destination. We opted for Mullayanagiri, a steep but scenic climb through lush greenery. Reaching the peak, we were rewarded with a majestic Shiva temple and breathtaking views. The final ascent included 100 steps along a winding path, which I took slowly, savouring the magnificent natural beauty that surrounded me.

After offering prayers at the temple and receiving blessings from the priest, we marveled at the vast expanse of the sky. Just below the temple base, perched precariously at the cliff’s edge, was a cave said to be a tiger’s den. While the elusive tiger wasn’t present, we cautiously peeked inside, the darkness and steep drop below adding to the thrill.

The locals also recommended exploring Kudremukh National Park and Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary, but those adventures will have to wait for another visit.

Reaching Chikmagalur

Chikmagalur is well-connected by road and train from both Bengaluru and Mangalore. The nearest airports are in Mangalore and Bengaluru.

Where to stay in Chikmagalur

I stayed at the Gateway, Chikmagalur, amid lush greens, surrounded by trees and birds. There are other options as well.

This post was created for the Blogaberry Creative (Monthly) Challenge. (prompt: drink) & #BlogchatterFoodFest

10 thoughts on “Coffee Country Chikmagalur and Beyond

  1. I will Make this post of your read by my husband a high voltage coffee lover. He should know about the source and roots of the caffeine he intakes. I am a cold coffee lover in summers and reduced taking hot version in winter as it was generating excess heat in my body which making me unconfortable. A good piece to read

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I used to be a coffee addict but have left it for years now. Strangely, I never got around to trying filter coffee. Coffee lovers would have the best indulgent time in Chikmagalur.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your recount of the journey to Chikmagalur is captivating! The vivid descriptions of the landscape and historical anecdotes, like Baba Budan’s introduction of coffee, make it an engaging read. I especially enjoyed learning about your visit to Panduranga and how it transformed you into a filter coffee enthusiast. Your experience at Mullayanagiri was beautifully narrated, making me feel like I was right there with you. Your love for Chikmagalur and its rich heritage shines through every word. Thank you for sharing such a personal and inspiring travel story!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Chikmagalur is famous for its serene environment, lush green forests and tall mountains. It is also famous for the coffee and is often referred to as the coffee land of Karnataka.

    Reading your blog post, an innate urge to visit the place is popping up.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Being from Bangalore, Chickmagalur is our go-to destination if we want a short break. It is one of the most beautiful places I’ve seen. And you have beautifully captured the essence and history of this stunning place.


  6. I had visited Chikmagalur long back and it is really beautiful. The coffee there has its own distinct flavor and charm. I would love to visit it again and the museum also.

    Liked by 1 person

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